Lickey End Pre-School

Childcare from 2 years to 5 years

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Welcome to Lickey End Pre-School. 

We provide a caring and nurturing environment  for children aged between 2 years to 5 years.

Formally known as Lickey End Playgroup, it was founded in 1987, by parents and carers looking for a quality local Pre-School.

In September 2016 we became a private business but aim to keep the ethos of a local friendly setting serving the parents, carers and children of Lickey End and the surrounding local communities.

Our approach:

We believe strongly in developing a unique child, who will learn to understand the world through play, develop social skills, form positive relationships and learn to be expressive through arts and design.  There is a particular focus on safe outdoor fun and healthy living.



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Contact us

The Methodist Church, 
Alcester Road, 
Lickey End, Bromsgrove. B60 1JX

We are here

lickey end preschool facebook  lickey end preschool instagram lickey end preschool email


